Broughton Amateur Dramatic Group
BADG exists for the enjoyment and education of all with an interest in live performances. From serious drama to the hugely popular annual pantomime, the group caters for a wide range of tastes.
A warm welcome is guaranteed, whatever your age or ability and whether your preference is for performing, directing, stage management technical, or a wealth of other essential tasks. Aspiring writers are also encouraged.

Broughton Floral Club
Our club is for anyone who is looking for an interesting and absorbing hobby using flowers and plant material for decoration. We regularly have excellent demonstrators and speakers and also workshops which are sociable as well as informative!
Broughton Floral Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month (except January) at 7.30pm in Broughton Village Memorial Hall.

Broughton & Bossington Horticultural Society
Whether a seasoned grower of vegetables, fruit and flowers or an amateur gardener wishing to share a common interest, we offer all a warm welcome. We provide a full programme of events which include a garden visit, BBQ, annual Show and Plant Stall as well as evening lectures during the winter months.
Annual Membership is £7 per person (2022) and as a member you would be entitled to discounts on bulbs, seeds, and other horticultural items.
Roger Sharpe
01794 301566

Broughton Wheelers
The Broughton Wheelers is an informal cycling group, comprised mainly of men of a certain age. We meet once or twice a month at the Tally Ho!, usually at 7:30, and we cycle off to various pubs and hostelries in the local area.
Our runs take place during the summer months when the weather and lighter evenings enhance the convivial atmosphere of the event. Details of our runs are published in the "Broughton News".

Walk This Way
Almost every month, walks in the surrounding areas are planned for anyone interested including their dogs. Usually taking place on the first Sunday of the month, a short article in the Broughton News precedes the walk, giving details of times and route. Starting times usually 10:30am outside the VH, then sometimes a car journey is necessary to reach the start points. Routes are circular with a Pub lunch en-route; distances about 6 miles before and 2 after lunch. Return to Broughton by mid-afternoon.
Will Hacking
01794 301738

St Mary's Lunch Club
A warm welcome is guaranteed whatever your age. Come and enjoy a two course lunch and catch up with old friends as well as making new ones. St Mary's Lunch Club is self-funding and meets at Broughton Village Memorial Hall on the third Thursday in the month, throughout the year, from 12 noon - 2.00 pm. Register, at no cost, to become a member. Booking is essential up to a week before the lunch takes place and then payment of £5 on the door. Volunteer help is always welcome.

Broughton Singers
We are a village adult choir. We welcome everybody who enjoys to sing. No audition is necessary. The rehearsals are held on a Tuesday evening in St Mary's Church with a rehearsal schedule available. We are a really friendly group who enjoy singing a varied repertoire from sacred to secular and perform in the village and other venues. We meet between September and May and have the summer off although we are called upon to sing for weddings during the Summer. There is a minimal charge of £15 for the church and £15 for music for the whole year.